Monday, April 26, 2010

Edy Wong, African Violets in Watercolor, Watercolor and acrylics, 10"x7", 4/19/10, FCS art classroom

My main goal with this piece was to create different layers of paint and color to create definition and creativity to the flowers. I tried to incorporate different hues/shades of colors on the petals and even tried to make it kinda abstract. The more colors the better. Some of the colors I blended well while some I left very defined and layered.

Edy Wong, Yellow Orchids, Watercolor and acrylics,11"x14.5", 4/12/10, FCS art classroom

This was surprisingly really fast to complete because I used WATERCOLOR!! I love that about watercolor. So anyways this is a simple piece and fairly easy to do. I did this all free hand, so you can just imagine how easy it was. I don't usually do light colored flowers, I tend to like darker colored objects because I like things that stand out, so this is probably one of my few light colored pieces. I like how the red and organges really bring out the individual flowers.

Edy Wong, Outlined Flowers, Pen and watercolor, 14.5"x17", 4/05/10 FCS art classroom

For this piece I decided to do an outline of flowers that I drew from pictures. It sorta looks like a design and I decided to add only a little color to the middle parts of the flowers so it wouldn't be that plain. This took me a while to complete because I had to first draw the flowers in pencil and then go over them with pen. This piece was also inspired by the shapes composition assignment (when I had to outline the shoes).